My dad was the baby of 10. He had 7 sisters and 2 brothers. In that bunch are 2 sets of twin sisters. You can image what I was thinking each time I was pregnant! "Twins? Please, no!"

I have always said that I was '
farm stock'. I just didn't know how true that was until I found out that my Grandmother delivered
all but the last 3 children on the farm. That means she had 2 sets of twins on the farm in the early 1900's. All 10 survived to adulthood and marry and have kids of their own. All I have to say is, "WOW!"

He loved planes and flying. He joined the Air Force during WW II and flew prop planes. His squadron was split, with half going to the war and half to train other pilots. Luckily my dad did not go to war. The ones that did go did not return. I have always loved this picture of him in his pilot gear.

I was Daddy's girl. Being the only girl was a big help in that department! There are so many pictures of us it was hard to pick one. I think this is my favorite. I always did like to color in my coloring books.
My dad passed away 2 years ago from ALS, (Lou Garrett's Disease). He had been diagnosed 18 years ago. When this happened, my parents both decided that they were not going to wait for him to die but live their life. Their love for each other kept him alive and active up until the last 5 weeks of his life.

Their 50th wedding anniversary.
Just a few of the things I will always remember: his silly jokes, his being there when I called for help, his grumbling, his political debates, and his love for the chocolate cupcakes that my mom made for his lunch.